Thursday, May 20, 2010

Project 2 w.i.p.

To start off i would like to respond to prof. Babcock question on my last entry. With this piece i was looking all the reflectiveness of the latex the shine of the hair and the shin the skin. I was also looking at the over all style of the artist. Serge Birault is really great at making cartoon versions of people. The image i am posting is the start of my attempting to copy his process as he explains it in Imagine FX's march 2010 issue


  1. Ok, good. I am going to guess that it will all start with a really good value study. You can then copy that value layer and reuse it several ways like having only the lightest parts of it blend with the other layers. I will look up Serge Birault and see if I can get a better sense of his body of work. Is the FX article online or subscription only?

  2. Hey,
    Looked up some stuff. Check out this tutorial that Serge did, lots of great info and follow the links he posts on it. Use google chrome or something that can translate the french:

  3. Found his blog, lots of great examples and tutorials:
