Monday, July 27, 2009

New idea w.i.p

The last idea i was working on did not feel like it was working. I felt that the scene needed a lot more work then i was willing to commit to it. The idea was sound but the figures were not energetic enough for me to want to continue with it. Whil i was sleeping i came up with a much more dynamic composition. I also switched the character focus to Thor and Jörmungandr.
The start of this pice was the background. I picked a blue and green and created a gradient.
Then i when in on two different layers with a custom cloud brush and created a vortex pattern that
would create a focal point. I then created a new layer and just started sketching to see how i would
lay the figures in the composition. After I figured the posing I used the selection tool to block in the
base colors. Thats what i did today. Tomorrow i am going to start to build form over the base shaps
and start in on a light source

1 comment:

  1. Good to see the early stages. I see that you have picked up some of the processes and techniques from the book.
