Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Interpretation Final

So i finally finished it, or got it to the point to were i feel ok with moving on to the next assignment. I really liked this one and on the sites i have been posting it i have been getting some good feedback. I feel that this is a style i would like to explore more and develop during my illustration classes this coming fall semester.


  1. I love how this turned out the colors are nice and so is the shading. There are two thing that bother me however. The eyebrow ring is in a place that I have never seen someone get it pierced before so that is just something that seems odd to me. And be careful with the eyeshadow it looks a little black eyeish. Her hair and skin look beautiful and I can't wait to see more!!!

  2. Great! that is the idea. Develop some techniques that you will continue to use later. The increased hair texture really paid off.
